in front of the camera

Recently, a psychic told me that it's my destiny to be worldwide (!!) famous.
As a triple leo who loves to look good, this came as a shock to nobody around me.

So I stand here before the camera at the intersection of fashion, comedy, and hyper magic realms waiting to be discovered soon, so I can inspire and entertain every 3 out of 10 people.
Destiny Awaits!

Join host Alex T Thomas as she presents her outlandish point of view and fun facts on a selected topic each show, bringing along her fellow comedians and their POVs.

Bring your woes for the end of show Cosmic Dream Advice segment where the unlicensed, uncertified Alex T Thomas will solve all your problems (as long as you do what she says). Attending this show counts as self care.

You’ll laugh, you’ll learn, you won’t look at life the same way again!

A Cosmic Dream
Comedy Advice Show!


next show:

Friday, June 28th
at 9pm
at Tokyo Comedy Bar


After hearing about my potential destiny for world wide fame, I decided to commit myself to pursuing the prophecy. I found out pretty fast that unfortunately, I wasn’t going to become rich and famous overnight.

I set up a patreon asking for support while I ascend on this journey to destiny, to keep track of the journey as it unfolds and share it with those who believe I have the power to revolutionize the world in style.

Every day I can feel myself growing closer to the legendary icon I am destined to be… but rent is still due and no one has offered me millions to be in a movie just yet. There seems to be a discrepancy of where I am at now and where I know I will be.

I post stand up sets, share milestone updates (&hot goss), provide discounts to all the projects I am working on, and offer a limited spot tier called “postcard club” where I send a handwritten card from one of my self-portrait shoots every month!

Join me on this journey with destiny (and be my literal hero) till I get there! If I could get rid of capitalism overnight, I would. In the meantime, I’ll be sure to credit you in my future autobiography and I promise to entertain and inspire you from my hyper magical realm!

Patreon Trailer


I can outlast 4 camera batteries with my posing abilities. Not that anyone even needs that many batteries because I usually get the shot in one take. “one take thomas” they (nobody) calls me!

While I occasionally get booked for underpaid gigs, I flourish doing my own self-portraits because people don’t know what to do with my hair a lot of the time.

Modelling is acting one frame at a time. My neutral relaxed state is often mistaken as a pose. the sooner people understand my potential as a cult of personality, the sooner we can sling aesthetics to inspire.

2024 ATT cosmic dream calendar

Time isn't real, but it helps to know when to meet friends and make plans. So while you're making plans, are you also making your dreams happen? Get motivated with Alex T Thomas' wise words of wisdom to encourage you to follow your dreams, make monthly goals and LIVE BIG.

Also includes the zodiac season switchovers and both new and full moon dates each month so you never miss a wish/ritual. There are no holidays (other than Alex T Thomas' birthday) indicated on the calendar, so celebrate your own holidays, any day! Make up some new ones! Do whatever you want!